L & C Advanced Practice Management, LLC
P.O Box 290 | LongBeach, CA 90801 | (818) 539 7585

EMR/EHR Software

Take Advantage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Opportunity in Healthcare. Effective 2011 through 2016.

Here's a fantastic opportunity for you to automate your practice free! The Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs will provide incentive payments to eligible professionals demonstrating meaningful use of certified EMR/EHR technology.

The stimulus package passed in 2009 approved nearly $20 Billion to be invested in improvements in the health care industry to make it better connected and safer in sharing information electronically. Clinics that prove meaningful use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR/EHR) can receive an incentive reimbursement of up to $64,000 over a period of six years. Hospitals can qualify for about $2-8 million in funding!

How it Works:

There are two ways you can qualify for the incentive. Physicians qualifying under the Medicare portion can receive up to $44,000. Those qualifying under the Medicaid incentive can receive up to $64,000 in funding. Physicians who do not implement EHR technology by 2016 will suffer from a 1% reduction in Medicare Payments (And reductions will continue to increase after that up to a full 5%).

Qualifying Under the Medicare Provision

Physicians qualifying under the Medicare provision are eligible for up to $44,000. Doctors can receive up to $44,000 over a five year period from 2011 to 2016. To receive maximum payment, doctors must start now. Incentives will be paid as follows:

  • $18,000 for the 1st year
  • $12,000 for the 2nd year
  • $8,000 for the 3rd year
  • $4,000 for the 4th year
  • $2,000 for the 5th year

Qualifying Under the Medicaid Provision

Providers qualifying under Medicaid are eligible for up to $63,750 over six years. To qualify for the Medicaid provision, at least 30% of patient cases must be attributable to Medicaid.

EMR E-Z Lease program is available to help doctors delay making payments to match potential stimulus reimbursements!

Finance Program Available for Clinics Purchasing EMR Today!

  • Doctors can get Certified EMR software today with no cash outlay
  • No payments due for first 90 days
  • Then 3 monthly payments of $99
  • Regular payments commence in the 7th month
  • Subject to credit approval

* Information about government incentives and meaningful use can be found at www.cms.gov/EHRIncentivePrograms. Please visit this website to see how the EMR/EHR Incentive program applies to your specific situation.